Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The CDA Renewal Amnesty Program ends December 31, 2012!

Be sure to take advantage of this special offer today! 

  • Have you let your CDA expire?
  • Have you continued your professional development or earned a degree?
  • Do you want to stay connected with the CDA Community of early childhood professionals?
Many professionals who earned a CDA earlier in their careers let it expire years ago and are no longer eligible for renewal, despite their continued work and training in early childhood education. Some have gone on to earn a Bachelor or Associate degree but find value in staying connected to the CDA Community by renewing their CDA.

The Council's Renewal Amnesty Program allows those who have earned or renewed a CDA in the last ten years to apply for Renewal, even if their CDA has expired. This means that if your CDA has a credential date of January 2002 or later, you are eligible for Renewal Amnesty.

This program will only last until December 31, 2012, so don't delay... Renew your CDA today go to www.cdacouncil.org

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