Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Don't forget the CDA Renewal Amnesty program - Renew today!

Each initial CDA has an expiration date and must be renewed in order to stay active (within three years for an initial CDA and five years for a renewed CDA). If you do not renew before the expiration date you may have to "start over" and do all of the hard work it took you to get your first CDA rather than go through the much easier, faster, less expensive renewal process.

The Renewal Amnesty Program allows all who have earned or renewed a CDA in the last ten years to apply for Renewal, even if their CDA has expired. If your CDA has a credential date of January 2002 or later, you are eligible for Renewal Amnesty.

Take advantage of the CDA Renewal Amnesty program before it's too late!

Even if you don't need to renew, please be sure to let your colleagues with CDAs know about the program. The Renewal Amnesty program ends this December. We wouldn't want anyone to miss out on this great opportunity so please act now!

Click here to learn how to renew

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