Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'd Just Like to Say ( quickly )

This week has been crazy for me so sorry for the lack of fun posts. My company Have Faith Swimwear was the official swimwear sponsor for the 2011 Golden Globes Celebrity Gift Lounge. It was a HUGE success and I have LOTs of pics to post about it. All kinds of celebs came by from one of my favs Jennifer Love Hewitt, to Melissa Joan Hart, Latoya Jackson, Anna Lynn McLord, George Lopez, the cast of Mad Men and True Blood, Twilight Stars and SOOO many more. I dont want to tell too much but just wanted to let you know a fun post from the event along with what celeb took what will come soon.

ALSO- I received a comment about a girl PRETENDING to be me on some Cosmopolitan website based in the UK... Ide just like to say- NO it's not me and NO I was never fat LOL. The things people make up really make me laugh. I think it's great if she ( you ) want to "re-tweet" my posts, share them on facebook, or on other forums, but when you pretend to be someone and then make-up stuff about them; thats lame. I appreciate some of the extra traffic to my blog that she may have caused by posing as me on a UK site- but get the facts right or F- off :)

Ill work on the posts later.. Going for breakfast <3

On our way home from the GOlden Globes. Lara came to help me out bc Jill was sick :(

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