Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Videos: My first Breast Aug

Someone recently left me a comment asking if this blog was really "Jennifer Stano's" blog bc I said in my Plastic Surgery entry that I used Dr. Chasen for my breast surgery. This person had found a video I did back in 2006 that stated I used Dr. Blau for surgery "so how could this be her blog".... It's simple. If you acually took the time to read my blog entries you would have noticed I have had My breasts done 4 times- 2 of which were due to complications. My first set was in 2003 when I was 18 which was with Dr. Blau. My 3rd set and 4th revision set were done with Dr. Chasen. So yes, this is MY blog and yes the information is true :) Do I need to validate my own blog by taking a pic of myself holding a piece of paper with my blog address?!?! It's not a bad idea :)

Please enjoy my Breast Aug video I did back in 2006 about my first breast aug.

( This video is from 2006 I was 21 years old )

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